The European Tuna Conference 2017 will bring together notable industry experts to address important and dynamic topics. More speakers will be announced soon.
Mr. Karmenu Vella - European Commissioner of Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Mr. Karmenu Vella is the European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. He is of Maltese nationality. Married with two children. Mr. Vella holds a Bachelor's degree in Architecture and... more |
Stefaan Depypere - DG MARE, Director European Commission
Are We Moving Into A New Era On Trade?
Stefaan Depypere was born in Kortrijk, Belgium, in 1955. He is married and has 3 children. He graduated in Applied Economics (Antwerp University, cL, 1976) and as Commercial Engineer (EHSAL, Brussels, mcL, 1982)... more |
H.E. Susi Pudjiastuti - Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia
Social Working Conditions In Small & Medium Scale Tuna Fisheries
Susi Pudjiastuti (born 15 January 1965) is an Indonesian entrepreneur. She is Indonesia's Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries under President Joko Widodo's 2014-2019 Working Cabinet... more |
Patrice Guillotreau - University of Nantes - Economics and Management Lab, Researcher
How Can We Predict Tuna Prices?
Since 1994, Patrice Guillotreau is professor of economics at the University of Nantes, France, where he teaches economics at undergraduate and postgraduate levels (maritime and... more |
Jose Antonio Zarzalejos - PwC Deals, Director
Failed Mega Mergers - Recent & Possible Potential Future Ones In The Global Tuna Sector
Jose (Bilbao, Spain – Jan. 30th, 1981) is a Director in the Corporate Finance – M&A team at PwC.
After spending 7 years at PwC in London and Madrid, he moved to Frinsa, one of the largest tuna... more |
Alberto Encinas - Calvo Group, CEO European Division
Future Outlook At Europe's Canned Tuna Markets
Alberto is the CEO at Calvo Group European Division, a leading fast moving consumer goods group of companies. He is responsible for running all the facets of the business, from raw material... more |
Gorjan Nikolik - Rabobank International, Senior Industry Analyst, Food & Agribusiness Research & Advisory
Brexit - Trump And The Effects On The European Tuna And Seafood Trade
Since joining Rabobank International in 2005, Gorjan Nikolik (38) has been an industry analyst focusing on the global seafood sector including aquaculture, wild-catch, seafood trade and processing... more |
Simon Bush - Wageningen University, Professor and Chair of the Environmental Policy Group
The Future Of Tuna Fisheries: FAD, FIP, FAD Free Or MSC?
Simon Bush is Professor and Chair of the Environmental Policy Group at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. He is the author of over 70 academic papers on the sustainable and equitable... more |
Ingrid Kelling - International Pole and Line Foundation, Market Outreach Director
The Tuna NGO Pitch: Rethinking Tuna
Ingrid Kelling is Market Outreach Director at IPNLF. IPNLF works to develop, support and promote socially and environmentally responsible one-by-one fisheries around the world. As a hub for... more |
Nick Ralston - University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, PhD Biomedical Research
Tuna Consumption Does Not Cause Mercury Toxicity: It Prevents It
Dr. Nick Ralston obtained his Ph.D. in Biomedical Research from the Mayo Medical Center in Rochester, Minnesota, and has since worked at the Bowman Gray Medical School at Wake Forest University... more |
Laura Raymond - University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, PhD Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Tuna Consumption Does Not Cause Mercury Toxicity: It Prevents It
Dr. Laura Raymond is a research biochemist studying interactions of nutrients involved in neurological health and development. She received her Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with an... more |
Alain Fonteneau - Institut de Recherches pour le Développement, Scientist
State Of The World Tuna Stocks
Dr. Alain Fonteneau, is a French scientist has been working on tuna and billfish biology and stock assessment since the early seventies at the Institut de Recherches pour le Développement (ex ORSTOM)... more |
David Agnew - Marine Stewardship Council, Science and Standards Director
COC In A Complex Tuna Supply Chain
Dr David Agnew, FMBA, is Science and Standards Director at the Marine Stewardship Council. Prior to taking up his post at the MSC in 2011, he was Fisheries Director of the fisheries consultancy... more |
François Chartier - Ocean Campaign Manager, Greenpeace
The Tuna NGO Pitch: Rethinking Tuna
Mr. François Chartier is a national from France. He holds a master in political science from the Institute of European studies of the University Paris 8, in France. He’s specialised on the influence of industrial... more |
Steven Adolf - Journalist, Writer & Economic Researcher On Tuna
The Tuna NGO Pitch: Rethinking Tuna
Steven Adolf (The Hague, 1959) is a journalist, economic researcher on tuna and writer. He works as Spain, Morocco and Portugal correspondent for the Dutch magazine Elsevier and the Belgium public radio... more |
Grantly Galland - Senior Associate, Global Tuna Conservation, The Pew Charitable Trusts
The Tuna NGO Pitch: Rethinking Tuna
Dr. Grantly Galland lives in Washington, D.C. where he is a Senior Associate for Global Tuna Conservation at The Pew Charitable Trusts. At Pew, Grantly works on Atlantic tuna conservation, science, and... more |
Alain Bailly - CEO, Comptoirs Oceaniques (Fish is Life)
Fresh & Frozen EU Tuna Market: Challenges & Opportunities
Born in Ivory Coast in 1967. Career began in the cereals business in Europe in the flour milling and bakery segment for 6 years, and in restructuration. Started in the fish industry in 1997 with the... more |
Henk Brus - Managing Director, Pacifical cv
The Global Tuna Supply And The Shifting Patterns
Henk Brus was born into the tuna business as the son of a canned foods’ importer. In 1987, after finishing his study in psychology, he started work in the food trade sector. From 1992 to 1998, he... more |
Melino Bain-Vete - MSC & Policy Researcher, PNA Office
COC In A Complex Tuna Supply Chain
Melino Bain-Vete works for the Office of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNAO) on the PNA MSC Certification and Chain of Custody. He joined the PNA’s Economic Research Programme as a... more |
Philippe Loopuyt - Head of Unit SANTE/G5, European Commission DG Health and Food Safety
DG Health and Food Safety's View And Analysis On Injected Tuna
Philippe LOOPUYT is head of the Alerts, Traceability and Committee Unit. This unit is in charge of the electronic health certification services, the management of EU networks dealing with... more |
Paolo Caricato - Deputy Head of Unit SANTE/G4, European Commission DG Health and Food Safety
DG Health and Food Safety's View And Analysis On Injected Tuna
Paolo CARICATO is the deputy head of the food hygiene unit within the Health and Food Safety Directorate General (SANTE) of the European Commission. This unit determines and... more |
Pablo Guerrero - Fisheries Director for Latin America, WWF
DG Health and Food Safety's View And Analysis On Injected Tuna
Pablo Guerrero is a biologist with 29 years of experience in coastal and marine resource management, design and coordination of projects, and administration of marine protected areas... more |