2nd European Tuna Conference

Sari Tolvanen
Ocean Campaigner, Greenpeace International

Sari Tolvanen is an oceans campaigner for Greenpeace International based in Amsterdam. She is a marine biologist and commercial diver with research expertise in oceanography, benthic ecology and fisheries. Sari is from Finland where she worked as an oceans Campaigner for Greenpeace Nordic focusing on safe shipping and the establishment of marine reserves in European waters. She has coordinated Greenpeace’s international campaigns to end high seas bottom trawling and is now leading Greenpeace’s campaigns on illegal, unfair and unsustainable fisheries with focus on the Pacific tuna fisheries. She is also part of the team spearheading Greenpeace’s seafood campaigns across Europe as well as globally.









For more information please contact: support@europeantunaconference.com