Péter Kovács

Head of Unit, Directorate E, (Industry, Goods, Energy, Customs and Origin), DG Trade, European Commission

Peter is the Head of the Industry, Goods, Energy, Customs, and Origin unit in DG TRADE of the European Commission. His unit is responsible for the negotiation, implementation, and enforcement of the relevant provisions of trade agreements between the EU and its trading partners: Trade in Goods, Energy and Raw Materials, Rules of Origin, and Customs and Trade Facilitation.

His team is the DG TRADE contact point for industry stakeholders on trade policy issues. They provide trade policy support for EU initiatives in different areas, including industrial, climate, and health policies. He is the EU representative to the OECD Steel Committee.

He has extensive experience in trade matters, including economic security, tariff matters, customs and trade facilitation, intellectual property, and public procurement, as well as in security policy and international relations.

Before joining DG TRADE, he spent his career in DG TAXUD of the European Commission, at NATO International Staff, and at the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.