Julio MorĂ³n
Managing Director
Since 2007, Julio MorĂ³n has been the Managing Director of the Organization of Associated Producers of Large Freezer Tuna Vessels (OPAGAC) and the Association of Large Freezer Tuna Vessels (AGAC). Previously, he served as Deputy Director of OPAGAC, acting as a scientific advisor to the organization in various tuna management commissions (ICCAT, IATTC, IOTC, WCPFC) and participating in fisheries agreement negotiations between the EU and private entities.
Between 1994 and 1997, he was the Head of the Spanish Fisheries Office in Victoria, Seychelles, overseeing the Spanish tuna fleet’s operations in the Indian Ocean across ports in Seychelles, Kenya, and Madagascar. He was also involved in negotiating EU fisheries agreements with Madagascar, Comoros, Seychelles, and Mauritius.
From 1991 to 1994, he worked as an FAO Associate Expert in the Indo-Pacific Tuna Program (IPTP) in Sri Lanka, conducting tuna biology research in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia.
In 2023, he was nominated Chair of the ConfederaciĂ³n Española de Pesca (CEPESCA) and is also a Correspondent Academic member of the Real Academia del Mar de España.