Navigating the Evolving Tuna Landscape Balancing Market Dynamics, Supply Chains, and Sustainability
9:30–9:45 | Conference Opening & Welcome Note
9:45–11:15 | Session I: Supply Chain Restructuring & Duties

What Impacts Will Trade Protectionism Have on the Future Global Tuna Supply Chain?

The ongoing rivalry among the US, EU, and China continues to shape global trade patterns, leading to fragmented tuna supply chains and increased regional processing. Rising trade protectionism, evolving duties, and shifting free trade agreements may force companies to reconsider their supply chain strategies, diversify sourcing, and reduce reliance on specific nations.


  • Audun Lem, Deputy Director, Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, Food and Agriculture Organization


  • Henk Brus, CEO, Sustunable
    In-depth Statistic Analyses Of Europe’s Tuna Import Flows
  • Péter Kovács, Head of Unit at DG Trade, Dictorate E, DG Trade, European Commission
    What Regulations Must Tuna Importers Prepare For In 2025
  • Juan Luis Alonso Escuris, Vice President, Jealsa
    The Future Route For Europe’s Tuna Processing Industry
  • Pierre Commère, General Delegate for the Fish Industry at FIAC
    The Impact Of Duties On The Eu Domestic Tuna Processing Industry, And On The Tuna Exporting African Nations
11:15–12:00 | Coffee & Refreshment Break
12:00–13:30 | Session II: Transparency & Supply Chain Risk Management

Will Increased Demands for Transparency and Ethical Sourcing Benefit or Burden the Tuna Sector?

Technological advancements, such as AI, affordable satellite imagery, and remote-sensing tools, have revolutionized transparency in the tuna industry. Initiatives like the GDST traceability data standard, the EU’s CATCH system, and the US FSMA regulations are driving sustainable practices and safeguarding consumers from fraud. These shifts, alongside growing consumer demand for ethical sourcing, will reshape sourcing and production strategies in the tuna sector.


  • Laura Rodriguez, Head of Species Strategies & Pathways, Marine Stewardship Council


  • Daniel Suddaby, Executive Director, Global Tuna Alliance
    End Of Chain Buyers Demands On Traceability And Ethical Sourcing
  • Cynthia Asaf, COO, Pacifical / SmarTuna
    The Newest Traceability Technology That Is Minimizing Supply Chain Risks For All
  • Angel Martinez, COO, Zunibal
    How AI And Remote Sensing Tools Are Reshaping Our Industry
  • François Mosnier, Head of Ocean Program at Planet Tracker
    Mapping Tuna Catches
  • Agathe Grossmith, Director CSR at Carrefour
    Challenges Retailers Encounter In Implementing A Traceability System That Meets Upcoming EU Rules
13:30–15:00 | Lunch Break
15:00–16:30 | Session III: Prices, Catches & Production

Is There Still Room for Growth, or Have We Reached Tuna’s Peak Potential?

La Niña 2024 brought record catches in the Pacific, while fleets in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean faced challenges. Raw material prices fluctuated dramatically, with some processing hubs achieving record output and others shutting down or facing bankruptcy. Despite initial market struggles, recovery surged across sectors, including tuna for human consumption and pet food. Has the industry reached its peak, or is there untapped potential for growth?


  • Krishan Kent, Chairman, Swedish Fish Industry Association


  • Victor Restrepo, VP, Science & Chair, Scientific Advisory Committee, International Seafood Sustainability Foundation
    Which Tuna Stocks Can Still Power Expansion And Which Not?
  • Anne-France Mattlet, Tuna Group Director, Europêche
    The European Fleet’s Role in Shaping Responsible Fishing’s Future
  • Antonios Tzikas, COO, KONVA-North Aegean Sea Canneries
    Meeting Todays Consumer Needs With Innovative Tuna Products
  • Julio Moron, Managing Director, OPAGAC / AGAC
    Where Spanish Tuna Fleet Sees Future Potentials
16:30–17:00 | Conference Closing & Q&A
17:00–18:30 | Networking Cocktail Party