
Eric Marin

Deputy Head Of Unit Alerts, Traceability And Committees

Mr Eric Marin is Deputy Head of Unit G5 – Alerts, Traceability and Committees – of the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) of the European Commission.

He coordinates the EU Food Fraud Network.

He is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the Veterinary School of Lyon and a HEC Executive MBA graduate.

His past experiences within the Commission are varied, from issues of Better Regulation and Impact Assessments, Animal Health, Aid to Developing Countries (EuropeAid office- DG AIDCO), Fight against Fraud (OLAF) to audit of the implementation of Food Safety Legislation (Food and Veterinary Office – DG SANCO.)

Before joining the European Commission in 1998, Mr Marin had been working for the French Ministry of Agriculture since 1991. He held positions at the French Embassy in Madrid and as a national expert on food safety issues in dairy products in Brussels. He was also an expert for the OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health).