All fresh chilled, frozen and/or heat preserved tuna products which have been launched into the European market between May 2011 and April 2013 can compete.

The nominations for these Awards will be broadcasted throughout the entire European Tuna Conference 2013 and the final Award winners will be announced during the Tuna Awards Cocktail Party held at the end of European Tuna Conference. Furthermore, the shelf–stable products will be put on display at the venue.


To enter the competition:
- a representative from the participating company must be a registered delegate to the conference.
- the tuna product must have been sold in any European market between May 2011 and April 2013.
- the sample sending deadline is April 5th.

3 samples of your product are to be sent by courier to:

Atuna bv
European Tuna Conference
Meerpaal 6
4904 SK Oosterhout 
The Netherlands

“Europe’s 2013 Best Tuna Product Award” will be handed out during the Tuna Awards Cocktail Party at the end of the Conference.

Application Form: Please click here to submit your tuna product

For more information please contact: